
UGS 平台启动后无响应 #1441

推推 grbl 2年前 (2023-01-28) 196次浏览
ShortCircc 打开了这个问题 2020 年 9 月 17 日 · 5 条评论

UGS Platform not responding after launch#1441

ShortCircc opened this issue on Sep 17, 2020 · 5 comments


UGS 平台启动后无响应 #1441


我是 UGS 平台的新手,这是我第一次使用它。UGS Classic 似乎非常适合我。但是我无法使用 UGS 平台。


我遇到了类似于#1337的问题,在我通过 ugsplatform.exe 或 ugsplatform64.exe 启动 UGS Platform 后,我卡在了一个屏幕中,如#1337所示,没有按钮响应。我已经尝试过每晚构建、稳定构建和使用 java 预配置的构建,结果完全相同。我相当确定我将 java 更新到正确的版本。
– 删除 .ugs 和 .ugsplatform 文件夹
– 在每种兼容模式下启动 ugsplatform(windows xp,windows vista,..)
– 关闭我的防病毒软件(Bullguard)


推出 UGS 平台。




UGS 平台经典/夜间/预配置 Java


视窗 10



UGS 平台启动后无响应 #1441

感谢您提供出色的问题报告!不幸的是,日志没有提供任何关于正在发生的事情的线索。由于类似的问题围绕着 AV 软件,我仍然怀疑它仍然是罪魁祸首。Bullguard 是否有任何活动日志?

UGS 平台启动后无响应 #1441

我认为这应该是我打开 ugsplatform 并使用 taskmanager 关闭它的日志文件的一部分。

2020/09/18 17:23:23.548 | [PROC] WhiteListed [PID = 3364 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\ugs-platform-app-2.0-SNAPSHOT\ugsplatform\bin\ugsplatform.exe ] [PUNQ = 5695126637860 ] [PPID = 4676 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:23.556 | [PROC] ProcessExit [PID = 3364 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\ugs-platform-app-2.0-SNAPSHOT\ugsplatform\bin\ugsplatform.exe ] [PUNQ = 5695126637860 ] [PPID = 4676 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:23.564 | [PROC] ProcessCreated [PID = 10212 ] [Path = C:\Windows\System32\consent.exe ] [PUNQ = 5699421612004 ] [PPID = 11596 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:25.822 | [PROC] ProcessExit [PID = 10212 ] [Path = C:\Windows\System32\consent.exe ] [PUNQ = 5699421612004 ] [PPID = 11596 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:25.844 | [PROC] WhiteListed [PID = 14656 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\ugs-platform-app-2.0-SNAPSHOT\ugsplatform\bin\ugsplatform.exe ] [PUNQ = 5703716583744 ] [PPID = 4676 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:27.451 | [PROC] ProcessCreated [PID = 9576 ] [Path = C:\Windows\System32\SearchProtocolHost.exe ] [PUNQ = 5708011545960 ] [PPID = 6348 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:49.291 | [PROC] ProcessCreated [PID = 7988 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp_exe_tst8076457640711040836.exe ] [PUNQ = 5712306511668 ] [PPID = 14656 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:49.292 | [PROC] New HardLink [PID = 7988 ] [Path = C:\ProgramData\BullGuard\SentryTemp\jogamp_exe_tst8076457640711040836.exe.F24636085173170FB825B919007D6E5D ] [PUNQ = 5712306511668 ] [PPID = 14656 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:49.296 | [UNTRUSTED] FileInfo [PID = 7988 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp_exe_tst8076457640711040836.exe ] [PPID = 14656 ] [PUNQ = 5712306511668 ]
[i] [SHA256 = 69174E37703A7027509DEA3942662A846FB733A3D22D5CEA63679954BE3C183E ] [MD5 = 676A4D40F0DB77A49D4C875A85584CB5 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:49.293 | [i] DigitalSignature UNSIGNED in 0(ms)
2020/09/18 17:23:49.293 | [i] KnapResult NOT_FOUND in 0(ms)
2020/09/18 17:23:49.293 | [i] CalculateFlags SUCCESS in 0(ms)
2020/09/18 17:23:49.297 | [e] SentryEyeClient::CommandEvaluate failed to write command ErrorCode=9
2020/09/18 17:23:51.157 | [PROC] ProcessCreated [PID = 1560 ] [Path = C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe ] [PUNQ = 5716601472536 ] [PPID = 84 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:01.672 | [PROC] ProcessExit [PID = 7988 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp_exe_tst8076457640711040836.exe ] [PUNQ = 5712306511668 ] [PPID = 14656 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:01.699 | [PROC] ProcessCreated [PID = 10824 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp_0000\jogamp_exe_tst1646051621730856508.exe ] [PUNQ = 5720896449096 ] [PPID = 14656 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:01.700 | [PROC] New HardLink [PID = 10824 ] [Path = C:\ProgramData\BullGuard\SentryTemp\jogamp_exe_tst1646051621730856508.exe.4A427CAE06C945DE764D416B2B03DDAB ] [PUNQ = 5720896449096 ] [PPID = 14656 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:01.703 | [UNTRUSTED] FileInfo [PID = 10824 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp_0000\jogamp_exe_tst1646051621730856508.exe ] [PPID = 14656 ] [PUNQ = 5720896449096 ]
[i] [SHA256 = 69174E37703A7027509DEA3942662A846FB733A3D22D5CEA63679954BE3C183E ] [MD5 = 676A4D40F0DB77A49D4C875A85584CB5 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:01.701 | [i] DigitalSignature UNSIGNED in 0(ms)
2020/09/18 17:24:01.701 | [i] KnapResult NOT_FOUND in 0(ms)
2020/09/18 17:24:01.701 | [i] CalculateFlags SUCCESS in 0(ms)
2020/09/18 17:24:01.704 | [e] SentryEyeClient::CommandEvaluate failed to write command ErrorCode=9
2020/09/18 17:24:01.988 | [PROC] ProcessCreated [PID = 16288 ] [Path = C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe ] [PUNQ = 5725191421856 ] [PPID = 868 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:02.020 | [PROC] ProcessCreated [PID = 4480 ] [Path = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe ] [PUNQ = 5729486377344 ] [PPID = 16288 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:03.821 | [PROC] ProcessCreated [PID = 4828 ] [Path = C:\Windows\System32\wermgr.exe ] [PUNQ = 5733781344988 ] [PPID = 1632 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:03.830 | [PROC] ProcessExit [PID = 4480 ] [Path = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe ] [PUNQ = 5729486377344 ] [PPID = 16288 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:03.854 | [PROC] ProcessExit [PID = 14656 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\ugs-platform-app-2.0-SNAPSHOT\ugsplatform\bin\ugsplatform.exe ] [PUNQ = 5703716583744 ] [PPID = 4676 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:05.865 | [PROC] ProcessExit [PID = 4828 ] [Path = C:\Windows\System32\wermgr.exe ] [PUNQ = 5733781344988 ] [PPID = 1632 ]
2020/09/18 17:24:09.748 | [PROC] ProcessCreated [PID = 7084 ] [Path = C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe ] [PUNQ = 5738076314540 ] [PPID = 4676 ]

UGS 平台启动后无响应 #1441

Was this created after you turned off the AV-software?

It looks like it’s blocking the visualizer library (or at least flagging as untrusted) we are using (jogamp).

2020/09/18 17:23:49.292 | [PROC] New HardLink [PID = 7988 ] [Path = C:\ProgramData\BullGuard\SentryTemp\jogamp_exe_tst8076457640711040836.exe.F24636085173170FB825B919007D6E5D ] [PUNQ = 5712306511668 ] [PPID = 14656 ]
2020/09/18 17:23:49.296 | [UNTRUSTED] FileInfo [PID = 7988 ] [Path = C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Temp\jogamp_exe_tst8076457640711040836.exe ] [PPID = 14656 ] [PUNQ = 5712306511668 ]

I have no idea how to proceed with this, not much we can do from UGS.

UGS 平台启动后无响应 #1441

Those were the logs with the AV-software on, i don’t have any logs when it’s turned off. Adding relevant folders to exceptions of the AV doesn’t have much effect either.
Jogamp also keeps running after force closing ugsplatform.
UGS 平台启动后无响应 #1441
These are multiple attempts with different versions.

UGS 平台启动后无响应 #1441

您可以尝试最新的夜间构建(或发布时的 2.0.13 版)。我们已经更新了可能会解决问题的图形库。关闭,因为我们无法重现错误。

UGS 平台启动后无响应 #1441 breiler按计划 关闭了它 不会修复,无法复制,复制,陈旧2022 年 12 月 16 日
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