
Share your custom buttons Here! #306

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Share your custom buttons Here!#306

arkypita opened this issue on Mar 21, 2018 · 79 comments


Share your custom buttons Here! #306
arkypita commented on Mar 21, 2018  

The last v2.8.39 allow to export custom buttons. If you want to share yours with LaserGRBL community feel free to reply to this post. Don’t forget to attach your CustomButtons.gz file!

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thanks for your share!

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Arhimed-Ru commented on Apr 13, 2018  

another button option
bypass (diameter = diagonal) around the picture

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G0 X[left] Y[bottom] F3000
M3 S1 F1000
G2 X[left] Y[bottom-0.002] I[right/2-left/2] J[top/2-bottom/2]
G0 X0 Y0 F3000

this works :)

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Arhimed-Ru commented on Apr 13, 2018  

if you have a Z-axis motor
step up: $J= G91 Z[jogstep] F[jogspeed]
step down: $J= G91 Z[0-jogstep] F[jogspeed]

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how to change the scale of the preview??… move the preview??…

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Xillius178 commented on Apr 15, 2018  

FAN O/OFF Buttons:
Code for FAN ON

Code for FAN OFF

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Custom Buttons:
Fan Control.gz

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Can you translate the description of the buttons into English?

Thank you

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Arhimed-Ru commented on Apr 15, 2018  


Move to center of image
function: see the place for a rectangular picture
(If necessary, you can change
S – laser power
F – travel speed)

Bypassing perimeter
function: see the place for a rectangular picture

Zero position

Bypassing circle X
function: see the place for a circle picture with a small diameter [right-left]

Move to the bottom left corner of the image

Disable laser mode $32=0
function: to have a possibility scorch points with stops,
see the laser point and adjust focus.

Enable laser mode $32=1

Turn off the laser

Turn on the laser
(If necessary, you can change
S – laser power)
Bypassing circle XY (diagonal)

Share your custom buttons Here! #306
Venkes commented on Apr 15, 2018  

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This button draws a rectangular shape around the image area. Alter S100 on the thirth line to make the laser spot visible but not burning! A greater value means more laser power and vice versa.

G0 X[left] Y[bottom] F3000
M4 S100
G1 X[left] Y[top]
G1 X[right] Y[top]
G1 X[right] Y[bottom]
G1 X[left] y[bottom]
G0 X0 Y0 F3000

Share your custom buttons Here! #306

Thanks for sharing your config @Arhimed-Ru! It’s basically everything I was using, plus some!

@arkypita Maybe we could see about adding a method for changing custom button order in a future release to make things more easily customizable? Drag and drop maybe?

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Прекрасно. Спасибо большое. Вот только лазер не квключается отдельно кнопкой.

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Venkes commented on Apr 23, 2018  

С меня включается лазер. Может быть, M3 вместо M4 с вами?

I turn on the laser with M4. Maybe M3 instead of M4 for you?

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Лазер включается только при перемещении. А мне нужно чтоб при простои моторов включать лазер!?

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Я и M3 и M4 пробовал.

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Venkes commented on Apr 24, 2018  

лазер переходит в нижний левый угол области гравировки, затем лазер создает прямоугольник вокруг области, подлежащей гравировке, а затем выключает лазер и затем переходит в исходное положение. В моем случае лазер включается с M4 (третья строка) и выключается M5 (восьмая линия).
Ps. Надеюсь, Google переведет все хорошо переведенное!

the laser moves to the lower left corner of the engraving area, then turns on, then the laser creates a rectangle around the area to be engraved, and then turns off the laser and then goes back to its original position. In my case, the laser turns on with M4 (third line) and M5 turns off (eighth line).

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@Koctetcav @Venkes please keep writing english inside english topic!

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@arkypita yes you are right! I’m sorry. I’ve editted my comments.

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the cheap laser module from China, can operate only half hour, after what its necessary a time for cold. Is it possible a custom button to make a pause after this operation time ? Anybody can help ?
Thank you

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There already is a pause button.
Press the hand to pause and the man to continue.
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I think I did the wrong question.
I want a automatic pause after 45 minutes and a automatic return after a 30 minutes of cooling time.
Something like a macro in Gcode to automates the process. Excuse me for the bad english
Thank You

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G4 command is for “Dwell” function which could be added to the middle of a GCode file and theoretically do what you want it to. The operator is in milliseconds for GRBL though. Not sure what the max wait time would be. You could export to a file from LaserGRBL and then modify it manually and then stream it. The streamlined nature of the GCode LaserGRBL generates might make it difficult to decide where to put the pauses though, unless you only did one halfway through a raster engraving.

Would probably be a fairly simple addition if you wanted to submit a feature request to code it in to add those automatically at different intervals. Not sure how useful it would be for most people, but who knows.

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Thank you Bearded1der .
I think it would be useful for everyone who has a cheap chinese laser module.

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For who like custom buttons try the latest version
Hope you love it!

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Thanks. Nice idea, now I can remove 1 custom button and do Laser On and Off with just 1.

Share your custom buttons Here! #306 RmnJn mentioned this issue on Jul 26, 2018
Share your custom buttons Here! #306
1estrider commented on Jul 31, 2018  

For Z-axis on my laser i had to make a code for up:


and down:


Can you make a button that makes a laser go in the middle of the project for positioning?

Share your custom buttons Here! #306

How do you apply .gz file?

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arkypita commented on Aug 27, 2018  

right click on custom button area and select “import” from menu

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fantilator commented on Sep 9, 2018  

My standard button to always start with is my “general reset”

It does a reset of my machine, does homing and then goes to the center of my table with focusing point on my tabletop.

$X (Reset Machine )
$H (Unlock )
M5 ( M05:Spindle Stop )
G91 ( G91:Incremental programming )
G0 X-510 y-460 Z-53.6 ( go to center of table )
G92 X0 Y0 Z0 ( Make this my work zero point
G28.1 ( to ensure the machine goes back here)
M3 S200 ( M03:Spindle On at 200mW for zeroing my workpiece )

Share your custom buttons Here! #306 arkypita added the announcement label on Jan 15, 2020
Share your custom buttons Here! #306

Just started working with this program. Is it possible to create a custom button that will move the laser to the leftmost or rightmost point that will be burned? I have a large circular image that exceeds the size as a single file. I would like to be able to line up the leftmost or rightmost point of the circle to burn in phases (in quarters). Combined with the center point of the circle, I should be able to execute?

Share your custom buttons Here! #306

I have just joined the site and the help available is fantastic thank you

Share your custom buttons Here! #306 arkypita pinned this issue on Apr 1, 2020
Share your custom buttons Here! #306
arkypita commented on Apr 1, 2020  

Hi all! These are my buttons, the code I took almost everything from your contributions but I focused on giving him some rather captivating graphics.
The images are .png with transparent background, so the back color will change according to the theme.

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To install custom buttons just download this file, start LaserGRBL, right click in custom button area, select “import” from menu, and open the downloaded file.

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Hallo hat jemand Code zum genauen umfahren des Bildes.
Der oben mit rechteckig funktioniert bei mir nicht

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distebia commented on Apr 20, 2020  

Ciao a tutti! Questi sono i miei pulsanti, il codice che ho preso quasi tutto dai tuoi contributi, ma mi sono concentrato sul dargli una grafica piuttosto accattivante.
Le immagini sono .png con sfondo trasparente, quindi il colore posteriore cambierà in base al tema.

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Per installare pulsanti personalizzati basta scaricare questo file, avviare LaserGRBL, fare clic con il tasto destro nell’area dei pulsanti personalizzati, selezionare “import” dal menu e aprire il file scaricato.

Ciao, potresti condividere i file .png contenuti nei vari pulsanti? ne vorrei creare altri tipo taglia immagine utilizzando quello esistente. Potresti anche implementare la funzione copia e incolla sui pulsanti. lo copio e lo modifico. Grazie

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Ciao, potresti condividere i file .png contenuti nei vari pulsanti?

Eccoti accontentato.

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Share your custom buttons Here! #306

Hi a scripts not work for my :( Script from this site (Turn on laser for focusing) not work in my Laser 5.5MW.
Script button > https://imgur.com/arCImEH
And this is my Laser Module >https://imgur.com/9S3Fa3S
And front Photo > https://imgur.com/CETRiOC

Please help my :( I can’t focus my laser ….

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I’m no expert with code but I just turn on laser with a low setting and it works for me I think I use something like s30

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I’m no expert with code but I just turn on laser with a low setting and it works for me I think I use something like s30

Thank you i change from S5 to S30 :)

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LoganOn1990 commented on Apr 23, 2020 via email
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I was working on a project and lost my track . I would like to set up a button, like set home button, to set center point of the image. Can someone please help me how to create this custom button?

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StuartB4 commented on Apr 30, 2020  

Function: Find center of prepared image.
Click On – Click Off.
Type: TwoStateButton.
Make sure you are connected and your image is prepared for burning, then use the button.
This button is only valid if you have GRBL 1.1.

GCode box 1:

G0 X[left+width/2]
G1 M4 S5 F900

GCode box 2:

G0 X0 Y0

Tool Tip: Find Center Of Image. Click On – Click Off.

Enabled: Idle Program.

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Share your custom buttons Here! #306 arkypita mentioned this issue on May 7, 2020
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I have a better code for Focusing Button.

With Laser Mode ON ($32=1) M3 is not enough to turn on the laser at low power, because Laser Mode prevent turn on laser without movement.

This is why usually in custom button code you can see codes that turn off laser mode before activating the laser, and then re-enabling it on releasing the button.

This is often the cause of problems when you don’t remember to release the button and, for example, start a job. (the job start with laser mode disabled).

This code gets the low power on of the laser, but without the need to turn off the laser mode.

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I have updated my suggested custom button set: CustomButtons.gz

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Otttomann commented on Jul 6, 2020 via email
Share your custom buttons Here! #306 arkypita mentioned this issue on Sep 21, 2020
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Hello, I’m new and not an expert but i found this software awesome. Thank you @arkypita for this. I just wante ask someone of you if it’s possible to control/customize the space between zero point (home) and where the laser start to draw the image . this would make the space on the drawing surface more efficent. in few words: looking at the image i attached if i want to move this draw in the arrow direction …
Thank you!

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In Target image settings, make sure there are no numbers in the offset boxes.
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ditto . as you can see but i have anyway it with unwanted space
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any clues?

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The space is in the original image: edit the original image to not have space.
Or use “auto trim” button in LaserGRBL raster import form.

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You could try using the auto crop feature (the second button from the right under the preview image during raster import), that can get rid of unnecessary white space

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Fishenizer commented on Dec 1, 2020 via email
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The autocrop is based on the pixels that are white in the image, and by white I mean white. If the image has dirt, or is yellowish, the autocrop does not make miracles. You have a manual crop near auto crop, not so easy to use but can crop better then autocrop.

Your feature request is not easy to do, LaserGRBL is not a graphic editor.

Ciao e grazie, Arkypita

Share your custom buttons Here! #306


Find the CENTER of your job by moving to it by jogging
Press this button to SET.
Laser then moves to bottom right so you can set the “ZERO POINT”
Press the ZERO POINT button to set.
Test by moving to center and back…

Some clean up of my hasty coding may be required… thanks if you can help.
I would like to have the ZERO POINT set automatically but I get “code errors” so I’ve left it as it stands.

M5 S0
$J=G91X -[width/2]F4000
$J=G91Y -[height/2]F4000

Caption:- Set Center
Tool Tip:-Go to Job Center then press this Button

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Share your custom buttons Here! #306

Here is another button that allows you to cut around an image with a 1mm border from the image.
Button can be changed to a different size border and also the power settings that suit your laser.
This button will do 3 passes and if you have a Z axis, will move down between passes and return to starting level when finished.

(this will outline 1mm around the loaded image)
G0 X[left-1] Y[bottom-1]
M3 S1000 F250 (cutting settings, change to suit your machine)
G1 Y[top+1]
G1 X[right+1]
G1 Y[bottom-1]
G1 X[left-1]

(If you have Z travel, then this will take Z down 1mm)
G91 (use relative coordinates)
G0 Z-1 (sinks the Z axis, 1mm)
G90 (use absolute coordinates)

(Making second cut)
G0 X[left-1] Y[bottom-1]
M3 S1000 F250
G1 Y[top+1]
G1 X[right+1]
G1 Y[bottom-1]
G1 X[left-1]

(If you have Z travel, then this will take Z down another 1mm)
G91 (use relative coordinates)
G0 Z-1 (sinks the Z axis, 1mm)
G90 (use absolute coordinates)

(Making third cut)
G0 X[left-1] Y[bottom-1]
M3 S1000 F250
G1 Y[top+1]
G1 X[right+1]
G1 Y[bottom-1]
G1 X[left-1]

(Moving back to original level before cutting)
G91 (use relative coordinates)
G0 Z2 (go back Z axis, 2mm)
G90 (use absolute coordinates)
G90Z0 (resetting Z to zero position)

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I have the image cropped and placed well, I just want to be able to start the engraving from a certain point within the image and not from the bottom corner.

Does anyone have a button to set start point?

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Hi guys,
I use this button to FINE FOCUSING the laser:
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This button does an horizontal row of 11 points.
The first is an impulse of 0,5 seconds, then 0,4, 0,3, 0,26, 0,22, etc until the last at 0,06 seconds.
At the end, the command sets a new origin 2mm up on the Y-axis.

After doing this 11 points by pushing the button, you can flip the board and count the number of points perforating it. More are the points coming out from behind the board, more the laser is focused to cut.
You can launch it several times, every time changing by a fraction the distance of the laser, and then find the best distance by seeing the bottom of the board.
You can also verify the focusing (in a rougher way) by seeing how much big are the points on the top, without moving the board.
Of course if you have to cut, is better to control how many points cross the board; if you have to engrave, it is enough to control the top of the board (if you want more sharpness, they have to be thin)

You can adjust the power of the laser by opening the g-code with a text editor and using the “search and replace” function (for ex. ctrl+h in the notepad)
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This is the code:
g92x0y0 f1000 g1 m3 s600 g4 p0.5 s0 x2 g4 p0.1 s600 g4 p0.4 s0 x4 g4 p0.1 s600 g4 p0.3 s0 x6 g4 p0.2 s600 g4 p0.26 s0 x8 g4 p0.1 s600 g4 p0.22 s0 x10 g4 p0.1 s600 g4 p0.18 s0 x12 g4 p0.1 s600 g4 p0.15 s0 x14 g4 p0.1 s600 g4 p0.12 s0 x16 g4 p0.1 s600 g4 p0.10 s0 x18 g4 p0.1 s600 g4 p0.08 s0 x20 g4 p0.1 s600 g4 p0.06 s0 g4 p0.1 y2 x0

Feel free to ask if you have more questions.

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